For the first time in many years I went on a holiday with my family. Well, we’ve been to Fuerteventura a couple of times but that was a very different kind of holiday 😄🏖.
This year I, my husband, our daughter and her friend went to the north of Sweden to participate in ‘Hemavanmötet’, among other things. The trip was lovely, the views stunning and the ‘Hemavanmöte’ giving.
One day I was sitting outside, in front of our appartment, having a coffee. From my seat I could see the snow spots on the mountains, feel the sun on my face, hear the band practicing in the big tent about 100 metres below. I realised I was @home. I was exactly at the place I was supposed to be. I am on the other side of trauma, I have really begun to like my life again, I love seeing my children grow up, me and my husband are at a good place in our marriage right now, I have things to look forward to (a trip to The Netherlands, a trip to Israel, the publishing date of my book in Dutch on November 17th), there is a good and realistic hope that my eye condition will get better (I will tell more in another blogpost), I have a good flow in the work translating the manuscript into Swedish, I have energy to meet and talk to other people and I made the decision to lower the focus on my weight. I should lose a few kilos (or more…) but there is so much that one ‘should’. I choose to accept and celebrate the place I am in right now. With my extra kilos. More of me to love 👍😄
I enjoyed our holiday very much. It will be a good forever memory – realising I was @home while being away.

One Comment
Very emotional to me and probably to others. I sincerely believe – our daily prayers for you and your family have not been in vain.