Although there are many – too many – disadvantages of suffering of a long-term illness, sometimes some advantages turn up. Such as a trip to Israel in October! A group of a congregation in Insjön, about 1 hour drive from Ludvika, had planned to travel to Israel but they were too few so they looked for other people that might have the time and possibility to join them. I was a bit insecure, absolutely not wanting to take advantage of my “long-term” illness, but Arjan convinced me to contact the organiser of the trip.
It turned out it would be an amazing opportunity to travel to Israel in a relatively small group: 10 p, visit all the sites that are important to me (a boat trip on the sea of Galilee being my absolut number 1 point of interest) with three tourguides (three in the group of ten people that is!) that organize everything and can prepare and explain everything and the only thing I have to do is get on the bus every day while I am there. So, yes. Of course I’m going to join them! These kinds of advantages I call TEN-perks: I cannot work so I am able to participate in this trip although it’s in the middle of October; a time during a school year teacher does not have a holiday…
But anyway… Yesterday evening we had an informal get together with al the participants so we could meet and get to know each other. We were invited at the house of two of the participants that live in Insjön and we sat in their outhouse room (altan / serre).
While talking about the trip we suddenly notice something happening in the garden. It was not very late yet, maybe about 20 o’clock but the light had begun to fade away a little so it was not easy to see at first.
It turned out to be two deers playing a ‘rådjurs parningslek’ – a dancing courtship. They ran around and around like in the form of the number 8. In and around the bushes, in and around the trees and after about 10 minutes the mated right in front of us in the middle of the garden!! Too much visual information, haha!! 😵 But an exceptional experience.

Als jij geïnteresseerd bent om meer over Israël en Jeruzalem te weten te komen dan kan ik je het volgende boek warm aanraden: De zeven wonderen in Jeruzalem (reisgids) geschreven door Wilkin van de Kamp en Theo Veldhuis. (De laatstgenoemde is mijn uitgever onder de naam Triple Boeken. ) Het boek heeft een mooie gedetaljeerde kaart over het centrum van Jeruzalem, veel achtergrond informatie en als lezer treed je in de voetsporen van Jezus. Ook staan er qr codes in die je kan scannen en dan kom je bij de televisieserie ‘De zeven wonderen in Jeruzalem’. Hier een link naar de eerste aflevering.